In the news

Pūkaha hand-rears Aotearoa’s most endangered parakeet

"Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre has managed to hand rear five orange-fronted parakeets from its first clutch of the 20/21 breeding season. The parakeets are Aotearoa’s rarest and were declared extinct twice in 1919 and 1965. The successful outcome is in large part due to the experience of two of the centre’s captive breeding rangers; Jess Flamy and Tara Swan."

Pair of endangered native parakeets find love under watchful eye

"Thanks to the watchful eye of their Department of Conservation ranger Tara Swan, the pair finally managed a fruitful union recently producing four healthy chicks.When that proved to be the case the breeding team were over-joyed. "It was very exciting to see them all hatch and mum and dad take such good care of them," Swan said."

Three Little Kiwi gets Santa's approval - Pukaha

Three Little Kiwi has been written by Pukaha ranger Tara Swan who has worked at the wildlife centre for seven years and features illustrations from Angelique Hicks. Swan said she wrote the book especially for children "because I want them to be inspired to go out and explore, find things, meet our wildlife and see where they live. I also wanted to show children that night-time is not a scary place".